One just wasn't enough

so then there were three

And what a wonderful three they be...

Tracker The Man

Hello, I'm Tracker. I am a Tri-colored Basset Hound. I am about 7-8 years old. Never thought to remember my birthday so the Vet people tell my mom that is about how old I am. I don't to much talk about the time before I lived her with my forever family. Things were not so good then. But now I am the happiest hound around. I got a family with a Mom and Dad and a whole bunch of kids. Joey, he is 3 years old and he is my bestest friend. We are buddies and I follow him everywhere- just like a boys hound should. I have two hound brothers. They are named Smokey and Jefferson. They are basset hounds too. Well Jefferson is well let's just say not pure but he qualifies as far as we are concerned.

Well that is me.... tracking around the pond. Never know what you might find hanging around one of those ponds at Grandmas house. All the wonderful smells and sites to see. I fell in one of then once. It wasn't so bad and Grandma got me out... ok... where was I ... oh yes...

My Hobbies

I have a boy and his name is Joey, He is my number one uno hobby. Mom says that he and I are like pit and pat. We takes walks, watch TV, look at books, play with hot wheels cars and if I must say so myself I am getting pretty good at judging intendo games. Joey gives the bestest bestest belly rubs ever. My other hobbies include walking around the yard and tracking all the lil' critters. Belly rubs, belly rubs, belly rubs, and naps.

Closing Statement

Please Please Please spay and nueter. Let's face it there are way to many dogs and cats in shelters and rescue. The facts are there to prove it. Please educate yourself about pets before you get one.

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